
Beautiful Skin Starts
With Sunscreen

Beautiful Skin Starts
With Sunscreen

The truth about sunscreen is that you need to be wearing it every day, rain or shine, is the most important thing you can do to have beautiful skin.


We have many treatments to correct sun damage but it is always better to take care of what you have first so that if and when you need treatments you will not need many and you will get better results from the treatments you will have in the future.


80% of visible signs of aging are due to UV exposures not to mention the scary skin cancer. You should be commuted to using your sunscreen every day!


A study published by “ Dermatologic Surgery” involving 32 participants evaluated over 52 week period found that daily sunscreen use resulted in overall improvement of skin tone, texture, fine lines, and wrinkles. Skin is a self-repairing part of your body and the biggest organ of your body, so the sooner you stop subjecting it to sun damage, its ability to regenerate itself by producing new collagen and restoring a smoother, ticker texture as well as radiance.


If you do not want to get your skin looking older, more wrinkled, dry, discolored, and leathery very soon you need to step up your SPF usage especially now in the spring and summer months.


Spring and summer months skin care must have SPF50 as well as UVA and AVB protection.


Let’s talk about the biggest sunscreen mistakes we all tend to make and how to avoid them.


Do not wait till you get the sun shining on your skin!

If you are the type to start putting on your sunscreen when you are at the beach then you should know that you are going to get sunburnt. You should put sunscreen on your skin at least 20 minutes before you step outdoors because it takes at least that long for your skin to absorb the protective ingredients.

Don’t miss important areas!

Your eyelids and lips need sunscreen too. The skin on eyelids has the highest incidence of skin cancer!!! Wearing a lip gloss with no SPF is dangerous as hydrated lips can absorb more UV rays than dry lips.


Sun creams for the face may be irritating for your eyes but there are many different sunscreens formulated for your eyes and lips so make sure you have them. Even makeup products have SPF in them for your eyes and lips, so make sure you take advantage!

Don’t be stingy with your Sunscreen!

A little dab won’t do it! Ensure you have a nice layer on and wait for it to be absorbed. You should be able to see a layer for a minute before it gets absorbed by the skin.

Don’t apply only once!

There is no “once a day” kind of sunscreen out yet! Water-resistant sunscreens can protect you for up to 80 minutes, but the general rule is that you should re-apply every hour or two.

Don’t use expired sunscreen!

Always check the expiration date of your sunscreen. As well as not protecting you it will cause many skin problems, the most innocent one being breakouts!

Botox/Sunekos/ Profhilo will not protect you from sun damage!

You might have gotten some of these treatments done, and are very pleased with how your skin looks and feels ( as one would! ) at the moment. These treatments will make your skin look and feel great but don’t let that fool you into thinking your skin can face anything even the sun’s harmful UV rays! You should use SPF religiously to keep your skin looking its best and keep the effect of these treatments at its best for longer!


If you have existing sun damage ( wrinkles, darkened skin, sun spots, sun burns etc) please take advantage of our free consultation and come talk to us to see how we can help you!