
Sweat Free Summer
With anti wrinkle injections

Sweat Free Summer
With anti wrinkle injections

Stop sweating with underarm anti wrinkle injections this summer!

Patches of sweat on clothes, getting your hair ruined because of the sweat on the hair roots, the embarrassment of shaking hands with sweaty palms, makeup getting ruined as the upper lip getting sweaty with the summer heat and not mentioning smelly wet feet if your feet are sweating! These can all be a problem of the past with anti wrinkle injections treatments!

Anti wrinkle injections is a guaranteed solution for excessive sweating where other treatments have not worked. Summer is fast approaching and we do not want to be seen with patches of sweat on our clothes.

Don’t make them see you sweat this summer!

Excessive sweating can be a problem in any part of our body. Most common underarms, hair
roots, palms (sweaty hands), feet, back, upper lip, genital area and forehead.
Anti wrinkle injections can be applied to any of these areas to stop the sweating and give you a piece of mind for
months on end.

Anti wrinkle injections treatment for sweating can last from four to fourteen months and if applied regularly you
would prolong the results of the treatment each time you apply so it is a must for this season

After your treatment, you might feel drier immediately, but not everyone does. The treatment
usually takes a week or two to completely settle and you can see the full results.

Anti wrinkle injections treatment hurt a lot less than people assume. It is almost as painful as plucking your
eyebrows and even if you do not want to feel that a numbing cream can be applied before your

How much Anti wrinkle injections will I need to stop my sweating?

The cost of the treatment will depend on the size of the area and how many units need to be applied. You can book your free consultation to discuss your needs either by calling us or clicking on the “make your booking” button on the top right side of our website.

How long will the effects of the Anti wrinkle injections last?

That entirely varies from patient to patient. No one can guarantee a certain amount of time but typically the effects will last anywhere from four months to fourteen months.

Does Anti wrinkle injections stop the smell of the area it is applied to?

Anti wrinkle injections for sweating will stop the sweating, the odour usually comes because of the bacteria on the
area where there is odour. `If you do not keep the area clean the bacteria will stay there and that
will make the area smelly whether you have got the treatment done or not.

Can I wear deodorant after Anti wrinkle injections treatment, what should I not do right after the treatment?

It is advised that you should not wear deodorant for 48-72 hours after your treatment. Also do not
have any activities that will make you sweat excessively as we do not want Anti wrinkle injections to come out
through sweat glands.

When is the best time to get Anti wrinkle injections treatment for sweating?

As the summer approaches you would want to experience a drier summer this year therefore now is the perfect time to cook your free consultation and get your treatment done to be ready for that summer heat!